
finally received my new camera battery charger in the mail, I've had so much going on, and it has been hard not to have a camera around. my studio has a big back deck, and along with basil and dill for eating, I have about 40 marigold plants that I am harvesting for dyeing. above, new work in the dyepot.

and here, one of five new scarves I made for the beehive craft fair, the only one left! I made a number of great trades at the show, which will have to be documented another day. this scarf has some of the fabric that I dyed with indigo while at ACAD - I now have a small [and smelly!] indigo vat of my own in the studio.


ellevee said...

i would like to put in an order to purchase a scarf, please. it would be like a portable ro hug around the neck!

barbara@sparrowavenue said...

these are beautiful
i love your marigold dye (i'm assuming that's what the second scarf is?)
looking forward to seeing you in Montreal