

things I've been missing, while in calgary. I'm home for reading week, and think going back will be harder than leaving in the first place. the light in our flat, especially in the bedroom in the afternoon, especially as spring gets closer.

my own mugs and other lovely objects that I'd clearly been taking for granted. living in a student house with it's eclectic collection of mainly booze-themed mugs and glassware reminds me of all the beauties left behind at home, like this huge mug by deborah freeman. again that light.

all the fellas in this house, especially this curious little guy that behaves more like a dog than a cat. he follows you everywhere in the house, just checking out what you're up to.

not missing: the disastrous piles in the studio left over from a hectic show season, and frantic packing for calgary.

1 comment:

arounna said...

have a great trip back
and we'll see you in a few months.